"Even when you go to jail you know there's the time when your going to get out,....theres no excitement, theres no passion, it's just like ground hog day every day."
-Britney Spears
In 2008,MTV's cameras followed Britney Spears around for 60 days through every step of her comeback. This was filmed after her widely publicized breakdown and leads us through parts of the making of her circus album. I chose to talk about this particular form of media simply because it is about as real as you can get. With this documentary it doesn't really matter whether you like Britney Spears as a performer, singer, dancer etc. This documentary actually focuses on Britney as a person, a real human being that's just like you and me. For those of us that don't know Britney on a personal level,( as in anything other than the obsessed paparazzis prized possession), this documentary does. Not only does it show it's viewers exactly what it's like to be Britney Spears every day but it also answers questions that the whole world was wanting to know. The interviews done with Britney were on a "no question is off limits basis."
For once we got to see Britney through a different kind of camera, in a different light....
I mean lets face it, anyone would probably be a different person when they weren't constantly being chased by people with camera's every time they walked out of their house. Before I watched the documentary when in aired on MTV in 2008, I had never really been a big Britney "fan". However, I like the rest of the world had been watching and seen every second of her break down through the eyes of the media. So naturally, I was really interested to watch the documentary. This documentary really connected with me on an emotional level. It showed Britney as a normal person going through normal things in life, however because of the media the things were far from normal. For example, it follows Britney on a shopping trip where she can't even get half way to the stores doors before she must be rushed back into the car because literally, hundreds of paparazzi were taking her picture. Also, it addresses issues like when she shaved her head, her divorce with Kevin Federline and her thoughts on it all. Many of the things shown in the documentary were heartbreaking to me. I remember watching it with two of my friends and at one point we were at the point of tears.
This documentary is "real" to me because not only is it about a real person, but also it shows a persons "REAL" life, that we would never get a chance to see and experience otherwise. This documentary tells the truth about Britney and every aspect of her life that we simply can't get enough of. I think this documentary connects with me on a deeper and emotional level for many reasons. The main reason is Britney's courage. After all she had been though in her life, she had the courage and was brave enough to sit down and set the record straight, to answer all questions about her past, and I don't know of many people that would want to do that. Also, I saw many characteristics of Britney that I see in myself which also made me connect with the documentary even more. Last but definitely not least, I simply could not get over what a true, legendary come back that she had made. I was absolutely amazed with her ablitlity to over come all odds and get back on to her feet the way that she did. When Britney was going though her break down, I though well, that's the end of her. She will either die or never be able to be the artist that she was again. However, as we all know, that was dead wrong. Britney defied all odds and came back, like many never thought she could. Her story is inspiring and is a true American dream story. So I guess I loved and connected with this documentary because of how much hope, realness and inspiration that it brings.
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