Wednesday, January 25, 2012


ster·e·o·type  (str--tp, stîr-)
1. A conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image.
2. One that is regarded as embodying or conforming to a set image or type.
I am currently taking intro to Sociology and last class we just so happen to be learning about stereotyping. Our scientific definition of stereotyping is: unfairly applying a common label and set of characteristics to ALL with in a group. We were also given a list of different types/groups of people. For example, some of them were Asians, models and athletes. We were asked to fill in the blank after Asians are....and had to put the first thing that came to mind, as a way to give an example of stereotyping.
Below are 5 images that came up on google when i typed in the names of these groups of people:
  • models
  • blondes
  • nerds
  • bullies
  • homeless

When you hear the word model, most people think beautiful, skinny, skinny, size 00, extremely tall and did i mention skinny? Pictures like the on above, of run way models, may even cause people to stereotype them as anorexic. However, realistically that is not the case at all. Models today are all shapes and sizes and that is how it should be. There are many different kinds of model,s plus size, child models and your everyday looking catalog models. Also, in today's world being "tooth pick skinny" isn't really in anymore. Many of the most beautiful women models in the world are known for their voluptuous curves and are proud of it.

Blondes are often stereotyped to be just plain dumb. Blonde's are often thought to be ditzy and airheaded. I think this stereotype is the most untrue of them all. The color of someones hair has nothing to do with their level of intellegence.  

When many people hear the word nerd pictures like the one above usually come to mind. Many people think anyone who wears big akward glasses, or any kind of glasses for the matter, are nerdy. Some may even piture a character like Steve Urcle wearing their pants up to their belly button along with a pen in their shirt pocket. However, today many glasses are used as sort of a fashion satement. In today's world glasses are even sold that have no perscription for people who simply like the way they look with them on.

Bullies are stereotyped to look bigger than their average age group. They are usually pictured as strong and even readheaded. Bullies are often known for picking on people younger and weaker than them. However, in todays world their are all kinds of bullies, every shape and size. With today's growing technology, cyber bullies have become a huge issue.

Homeless people are usualy dipicted as dirty, with torn clothing, hopeless, and often living under a bridge. However, there are many type of homeless people. In the sate of Georgia, a child is labled homeless if their family lives in the same house as their grandparents, because they don't have an acual home structure of their own. Being homeless only means that you do not have your own place to live.

Monday, January 23, 2012


To what degree do I consider myself a digital native?......
           Well, its hard to say. I am of course considered to be a digital native because of the generation that I am apart of. The texting, Facebook, youtube and downloading music illegally group. Don't get me wrong I enjoy all the perks that all this new technology brings. However, because of the place where I grew up, all of this new technology craze isn't all that important to me.
For example, for my entire life, I have lived way back in the woods. By way back in the woods i mean, my drive way is about two minuets long. Living in the location that I do means that I only get cell phone service half the time. The most "bars" that I can possibly hope to receive on my iPhone at my house is two. Other than the couple of bars, it's usually no signal until I walk around my house and find a spot where my phone picks up. It has been this way for my ever since I was allowed to have a cell phone in the seventh grade. Many of my friends would sort of freak out when they would come over to my house because their text would only come in every ten minuets instead of seconds later. To me though this has never been a concern.
           Another set back to living where I do is no Internet access. Yes I said it, I've never been able to surf the web or anything for that matter my whole life while living at home, unless I went elsewhere. I literally live so far out that getting an Internet connection isn't really possible. Therefore haven't had a Facebook until around August when I moved to Reinhardt. Not being able to get online was never really a problem for me either. I had my TV which gave me my news and entertainment.

          It's not that I don't want to use technology, because I definitely do. If I could go back and have Internet access at my house during middle and high school would I? absolutely not. I love not having a Facebook and being distracted by other people's status updates and drama. I loved just being able to be around my family instead of being occupied by texting all the time. It's how I've grown up and it's what i am use to. I would call myself a semi digital native. That is because I know how to use all the "great, new technologies" when I need to and it's necessary. However, I don't consume my time with it, I limit myself and use it only when I need to.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What is Media Literacy?

Media Literacy

Media Literacy is all about questioning everything you see and hear about on the radio, TV, movies, magazines and on the web. Media Literacy is being able to think about the messeges being sent to us and figureing out what the motive and meaning being sent. Media Literacy allows one to learn skills that enables he or she to think critically and to question what truly lies beneath the messages being sent to us.
There are many questions we need to ask ourselves in order to become more literate. As citizens we have the right to know the truth behind messages, especially the ones in our News.

Many of the questions we need to ask ourselves apply when watching or reading any and every type of news. Whether it be local news, Fox or even entertainment, the simple truth is you cant always believe what you hear.Every story is influenced some way or another, whether it be by word choice, witness, reporter, or even by the camera mans photo's. When watching or reading ask yourselves these questions:
  • From whose prospective is the story being told?
  • Whose voices are being heard?
  • Whose voices aren't being heard?

Not only does questioning the media to become more literate apply when watching the news, but also advertising in the media. When watching commercials on TV, reading ad's online and in magazines we must view them critically. Ask yourself, how are they getting my attention? Who is making a profit and how? Company's will literally do anything to make there product appealing, to draw a person in and make them think they need the product, when in reality they don't need it at all. Many messages advertising a product have a creative way of disguising. Even deadly ones, take smoking ads for example.

 In this cigarette ad Camel is getting a person's attention with a beautiful woman holding a pack of cigarettes.Not only are they using the woman to draw you in but possibly even trying to distract from the warning label at the bottom of the poster. This ad gives an almost positive, intriguing, almost sexy feel to it to camouflage the fact that by buying this product, you're slowly but surely digging your own grave.

McDonald's had the same advertising idea that ultimately enables the franchise to serve billions. However, instead of using a sexy model, they chose a lovable clown.

Ronald McDonald is the franchises way of drawing children in all around the world. He gives a positive, happy feeling to children and parents everywhere, despite how extremely unhealthy their cheeseburgers and fries really are.  

Media literacy not only teaches us how to think critically but also to be smart consumers, and even helps to better the society we live in. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I have never blogged before but i'm going to start out by shareing a few things about myself. I am a freshmen communications major at RU . With my degree I want to go into broadcasting. I'd to become some type of news anchor or work in radio after I graduate. I work for 104.9 The Rebel in Rome, and it's really good exsperience for what I want to do in the future. When im not in class or studying I like to spend time with my friends, family and last but definetly not least, my dog Carlton. I enjoy listening to all types of music and love going to concerts. I also like tumble, be involved in theater and most of all traveling.
Britney Spears Concert

Working at River Jam Concert 2011